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Project Details

Perth Hills Trail Loop - Stage 1

Project Status : Complete
Estimated Completion Date : October/November 2020
Location : From Kalamunda Town Centre (Railway Road) to Pickering Brook (General Store)

What is the Perth Hills Trails Loop?

In 2013, the City of Kalamunda, in conjunction with Shire of Mundaring and the State Government undertook the development of a Perth Hills Trails Master Plan to guide future trails provision across the Perth Hills, including an action plan and strategies for implementation over the next 15-20 years. One of the actions was to investigate a Perth Hills Trail Loop. Six key strategic gaps arose including the rationalisation and strengthening of the trail link between the Kalamunda Railway Heritage Trail and Pickering Brook. 

Find more Kalamunda Railway Heritage Trail information and routes here

What works are happening for Stage 1?

This section of trail will strengthen the existing links between the northern and southern sections of the Kalamunda Railway Heritage Trail, follow the alignment of the old railway corridor and utilise road reserves to significantly improve walker and rider safety.

View final trail alignment here

Who is completing the works?

The Western Trails Alliance (WTA) will complete the works under contract to the City of Kalamunda. WTA is a not for profit public company that was established to help develop mountain bike and other trails in WA.

What will the trails be constructed from?

All trail and trail features are to be constructed of soil and/or rock. No timber or vegetative material is permitted to be used as trail or trail feature construction fill, e.g. logs, stumps, branches, etc. WTA is required to rehabilitate any disturbed trail construction footprint and construction access points to blend into the surrounding bush, through the scattering of leaf litter, logs, branches and rocks.

Why is the City undertaking the Perth Hills Trails Loop?

Recreation opportunities provide community benefits socially, economically and environmentally.
Socially through:

  • Improved personal and societal health and well being;
  • Increased community pride;
  • Social inclusiveness; and
  • Safer communities through reduced anti-social and criminal behaviour.

Economically through:

  • Employment in the industry and associated industries;
  • Economic benefits of sport and recreation tourism such as special events; and
  • Reduction in health care costs.

Environmentally through:

  • Increased understanding of the environment particularly through trail-based activities; and
  • Protection of environmentally significant flora and fauna within recreation areas (open spaces, coast, rivers, open spaces, natural reserves etc.)

Has the City considered the environment and the potential impact?

The City has completed an environmental assessment of the trail alignment which also includes dieback mapping and a flora and fauna study. This is to ensure that there is minimal impact to the environment.

How long will the project take and the stages?

The trail construction is substantially complete, taking 10 weeks, from 23 April 2020 to 15 July 2020.

Remaining tasks include:

  • Installing grids on the mountain bike trails to protect the dieback free areas in early October.
  • Installing the trail markers and signs in October 2020. 

An official opening of the trail will be arranged once the signs are installed.

How is the project funded?

The City sought external funding however this has been unsuccessful, so the project will be funded from municipal funds, noting that costs have been reduced through the use of voluntary labour arranged through the Western Trails Alliance.

Media Releases


Project Images

Map view with the Perth Hills Trail Loop section of Kalamunda to Pickering Brook highlighted

View of a section of Perth Hills Trail Loop - Stage 1 trail - shows the dirt track going between grass trees

View of a section of Perth Hills Trail Loop - Stage 1 trail - shows the dirt track going between trees and grass trees

View of a section of Perth Hills Trail Loop - Stage 1 trail - shows the dirt track going between trees

View of a section of Perth Hills Trail Loop - Stage 1 trail - shows the dirt track going between trees

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Contact Information

City of Kalamunda
Phone: (08) 9257 9999

© City of Kalamunda 2024