City Bushfire Management
The City is required to comply with the Bushfire Act as it is either a landowner - or has care and control of State-owned land. Land ownings that are not Parks or Reserves (ie blocks of land with either buildings on them or vacant) need to comply with
the Fire Notices issued to other property owners.
Regarding Parks, Reserves and Verges which are lands under City care and control, the City is not issued a Fire Notice but is required to comply with the Bushfire Act. Where feasible, the intent and specifications set out in the Fire Notices for others
is followed.
The City maintains some 300ha of Cat 4 Reserves of which 50ha is under active fire management by the City. Fire management works include slashing weeds, establishment of 75km of fire breaks and the application of herbicide to manage fuel loads. In addition,
the City conducts hazard burns to approximately 30 hectares of land each year, including the mechanical removal of DFM.
Some Reserves have topography and issues such as Declared Rare Flora or Threatened Ecological Communities which prevent wholesale removal of vegetation or cutting fire breaks. In these instances, variations to the requirements of Fire Notices are permitted
and appropriate.
The City also assesses each roadside verge in terms of net area and fuel load to determine if a bushfire hazard exists. Reduction in fuel loads is taken where necessary either by slashing, herbicide, or both.
These works are undertaken on a programmed basis and occur in October and November. This timeframe considers weather conditions and seasonal growth to avoid the need for return site visits and regrowth before the peak of the fire season.