Know the Signs - Resources

The City recently hosted the insightful community event: ‘Know the Signs – identifying red flags in relationships’. The event covered critical stages of relationships that can be early warning signs for potentially abusive or coercive relationships.

MCed by Murray McKechnie of Kalamunda Kickboxing and Martial Arts, the event sought to bring awareness to the community to help and support vulnerable young people experiencing domestic violence.

The event included presentations from two experts. Forensic psychologist Dr Lorraine Shepherd brought her professional knowledge of stalking, manipulation and coercive behaviour to walk through the early warning signs and what steps can be taken to find safety.

And empowerment coach Briana Harris spoke about how a foundation of courage and strength built from a young age can help mitigate the risk of being in a vulnerable situation. But also importantly, how one can rebuild a sense of self and the resilience to continue following an abusive relationship.

Awareness is the first step in creating meaningful change to safeguard the wellbeing of our vulnerable members of our community.

For those who couldn’t attend live, there is a recording of the event available to view.

© City of Kalamunda 2024