The City of Kalamunda maintains approximately 790.66 hectares of public open space for the enjoyment of residents, sporting clubs and community organisations. Many of our Parks are natural areas that have been set aside for conservation of our local flora and fauna.
The natural parks within the City is one of the reasons the City of Kalamunda's parks are so popular. The City of Kalamunda residents and visitors are able to enjoy bushland, playgrounds or sporting events all year round.
Parks Near Me: Use the City's interactive mapping tool to locate parks and reserves in the City of Kalamunda.
The City has many sporting reserves offering all year round use, with various clubs using the City’s Ovals and their facilities.
Sports turf surfaces are required to be maintained to appropriate standards such as SAA HB49.2 as recommended by the Sporting Facilities Manual. To achieve this, the City takes a technical data approach using soil and leaf tissue testing to ensure the correct fertiliser and water is applied.
The City also measures the amount of soil moisture, evaporation and transpiration of turf grass to monitor our watering, as well as measuring thatch and organic fines to guide our renovation programs. By reducing the thatch, water and fertiliser is then able to efficiently filter through to the soil profile to be taken up by the turf grass roots.
Sporting Reserves:
Want to hire a Sporting Reserve?
There are approximately 80 playgrounds located throughout the City of Kalamunda which include Fleming Reserve, High Wycombe and Jacaranda Springs Reserves, High Wycombe along with nature play areas at Pax Hill, Lesmurdie and Lenihan Corner, Wattle Grove.
Find a playground near youYou can view a full list of parks, playgrounds and reserves near you via In My City or by contacting the City on (08) 9257 9999 during business hours.