The level of forward panning to substantiate the need and feasibility for a project must be based on key considerations including but not limited to:
- Size, scope and financial viability of the project.
- Adequacy and availability of existing provision of facilities.
- Existing and proposed usage/participation trends.
- State and local strategic plans/direction/policies.
The extent and detail of such forward planning will be dependent on the size, complexity and sensitivity of the proposed project. It is acknowledged that minor or incidental sport, recreation and other community infrastructure projects, will not warrant such a thorough forward planning process.
Projects exceeding $500,000 in total project cost, or as identified by the City, are considered large scale projects and will require a needs/feasibility study or business case to be undertaken as the first step in the project application process.
Clubs or community groups can apply to the City for financial assistance to undertake such studies on their behalf. Please contact the Leisure Planning Team to discuss your project and the application process for needs and feasibility studies or business cases.
Large Scale Projects
In general, large scale projects are derived through the relevant City Reserve Master Plans and / or business cases. These projects will be implemented by the City as significant external funding sources are obtained or City funding allows. Examples of such projects would be; a new clubroom facility, major floodlighting project, extensions to ovals.
Large scale projects submitted by a Club/Group that are either not aligned to a relevant reserve Master Plan, or are proposed at an increased service level to what is normally provided by the City, require a higher level of project justification in the form of a detailed Business Case, to demonstrate the need for the project, and importantly how the project will be funded both in terms of initial capital costs and any ongoing lifecycle costs (Operating/Renewal). The Business Case will also form an important component in support of any external funding application.
Large scale projects are often undertaken across multiple financial years, to ensure appropriate planning is undertaken and funding is secured prior to the projects being implemented.
Needs Assessment
A needs assessment is a comprehensive information gathering process to examine why a project is required or whether the perceived need can be satisfied in some other way. The needs assessment will provide clear direction regarding the most appropriate
scope, scale, components and the timing of the proposed project. This can then be tested through a feasibility study.
Feasibility Study
A feasibility study will examine the viability of a project so that any decision can be factual demonstrated. Your decision may be to implement, amend, refine or abandon the proposal. It should thoroughly test the practicability of management options;
project components; location options, technical design options, social, economic and environmental sustainability, funding models and cost analysis.
Please refer to the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries guidelines regarding undertaking a thorough needs assessment and feasibility study of your project.
Read more about the future planning and development of the City’s community facilities and parks here.