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Council Meetings

The City of Kalamunda hold a variety of council meetings throughout the year.

As elected representatives in local government, elected members (Mayors and Councillors) are required to attend council and committee meetings. It is in meetings that elected members participate in discussion and debate on a wide variety of issues to make decisions representing the overall public interest of the local government’s area.

Live Streaming of Council Meeting

The City of Kalamunda now live stream their council meetings via the City's YouTube channel. This streaming service is NOT interactive.

Provision continue to be available during these meetings for public question time. Members of the public who are not attending the meeting, are requested to submit questions by 1pm on the day of the council meeting via email to

Public Agenda Briefing Forums
Ordinary Meeting
Audit and Risk Committee
Annual General Meeting of Electors
Special Meeting of Council
Special Meeting of Electors

Public Participation

The City's Public Agenda Briefing Forums, Ordinary Council and Audit and Risk Committee Meetings are open to the media and the public.  The City invites all members of the community to attend any Council or Committee meeting and learn firsthand how Council functions. Alternatively, the City also offer live streaming via the City's YouTube channel for members to follow the council meetings.

Provision is made during these meetings for question time. This provides members of the public with the opportunity to ask the Council questions on matters of special interest related to the operations of Council.

Members of the public have an opportunity to talk to items presented to the Council, either through a question during public question time or via a deputation (see below). For members of the public who are not able to attend the meeting and are using the live streaming service, questions should be submitted by 1pm on the day of the council meeting via email to

If you have an interest in a matter that will be put before a Council meeting please contact the City for further information on (08) 9257 9999.

People that wish to speak at length about an item on the Council's agenda, may ask to provide a deputation.
More information can be found in the City of Kalamunda's Standing Orders 6.1.


Deputations allow any member of the public to address Council about any matter that is happening in the City.

All deputation requests need to be received and approved prior to a Council meeting. All requests should be emailed for the attention of CEO to Request details should include the following details at time of lodgement:

  • Council Meeting Name
  • Scheduled Council Meeting Date
  • Relevant Agenda Item No. (if applicable)
  • Full Name, Address and Email
  • Subject of Request
  • Brief statement of what their deputation is about.

If the request is agreed to by the Mayor, or presiding member, the City will invite the Deputee to speak directly to Executive Staff and Elected Members at the relevant Council meeting. More information can be found in the City of Kalamunda's Standing Orders 6.9

Petitions to Council

Petitions inform the Council of the views of a section of the community and serve as one way of placing community concerns before Council.

The subject of a petition must be a matter on which the City has the power to act. Care must be taken in the wording of petitions as the City requires certain information and content to be included to be a valid petition.

Download template for a petition form

Petition requirements

Petitions are required to conform to a number of requirements relating to the format and the information presented. Electors are encouraged to use the Petition of Electors form to avoid the possibility of the petition being ruled out of order and not being presented to Council. 

A petition is to:

  • be prepared in the prescribed form (or similar to that form)
  • be addressed to the Council and forwarded to the Mayor, a Councillor or the Chief Executive Officer
  • state the request on each page of the petition
  • contain a summary of the reasons for the request
  • contain the handwritten names, addresses and signatures of the electors and the date signed
  • state the name of the person upon whom (initiator), and an address at which, notice of the outcome of the petition request can be given
  • be respectful and temperate in its language and not contain language disrespectful to Council
  • be legible
  • not contain any alterations
  • not have any letters or other documents attached to it, however a covering letter is permissible

Presenting the petition

Lead petitioners can hand deliver their petition to the Chief Executive Officer at the City’s Administration Centre or present it to a City of Kalamunda Elected Member. The petition will be received formally at the next available ordinary Council meeting. Once formally received by Council, the petition will be referred to the Chief Executive Officer and the City’s Administration for investigation. 

The City will inform the lead petitioner of the action proposed in dealing with the petition, which may involve having a report prepared for a future meeting of Council for its consideration.

© City of Kalamunda 2025