Before completing the online application form below please ensure you have reviewed the following documents:
Once you have reviewed the above documents submit your event details online below.
If you have any queries please contact the events team via email or via phone on (08) 9257 9953.
If you would prefer you can download the application form. Please submit this form either:By Email: Post: City of Kalamunda, P O Box 42, KALAMUNDA, WA 6926By Person: 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda, WA 6076
including set up
including clean up
This field is required
NOTE: If YES to either of the above, a parking plan will need to be submitted with your application.
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I/We (as named above) accept full responsibility for any damages incurred to the premises, land under the care and control of Council or reserves including reticulation and sprinklers, water mains, electricity, toilets and change rooms, fences and fixtures as a result of our activities during the specified hire period and will ensure compliance with the City's conditions of hire and local laws.
I/We will indemnify the City against any action, suit or proceeding caused by my failure to observe all statutory and other requirements or as a result of my negligence or wilful actions. I/We will ensure that appropriate liability and other insurances are in place for the activities to be conducted.
I/We understand that the City of Kalamunda Events Application and ‘Helpful Hints for Event Organisers’ have been compiled according to statutory requirements. There may be additional requirements that exist and, as the event applicant/organiser, I am/we are responsible to ensure that I/we comply with all requirements.
The information contained within this Events Application Form and ‘Helpful Hints for Event Organisers’ has been provided as a guide only. Additional information or approvals may be required from other agencies and it shall be the sole responsibility of the Applicant, not the City of Kalamunda, to ensure all relevant approvals and information are obtained in relation to each particular event.
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NOTE: An email will be sent to the email address provided in the above form to confirm details have been successfully received.
NOTE: Using Internet Explorer is no longer supported. It is recommended other compatible browsers (latest versions) such as Edge, Chrome or Safari is used when completing online forms.
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