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Plant Recommendations

Not sure what to plant? Why not be waterwise and grow native plants in the garden.

Water Corporation Waterwise Council LogoThe Environmental Team at the City have compiled a planting guide below of native plants to encourage water sustainability and promote growth of native flora species suitable for the landscapes found in the City.

Adenanthos Cuneatus (Coastal Jug Flower)
Alyogyne Hakeifolia (Native Hibiscus)
Anigozanthos x hybrid (Hybrid Kangaroo Paws)
Banksia Ashbyi ‘Dwarf’ (Dwarf Ashby’s Banksia)
Banksia Blechnifolia (Creeping Banksia)
Banksia Ericifolia (Birthday Candle Banksia)
Banksia Nivea (Honey Pot Dryandra)
Callistemon x hybrid (Dwarf bottlebrush Little John)
Carrissa x hybrid (Desert Star)
Chorizema Cordatum (Heart Flame Pea)
Conostylis Candicans (Grey Cotton Heads)
Convolvulus Cneorum (Silver Bush)
Correa Alba (White Correa)
Corymbia Ficifolia (Grafted) (Grafted Red Flowering Gum)
Darwinia Citriodora (Lemon Scented Darwinia)
Dianella Revoluta (Blue Flax Lily)
Eremophila Nivea (Silky Eremophila )
Eucalyptus Caesia (Silver Princess)
Eucalyptus Erythrocorys (Red Capped Gum)
Eucalyptus Vitrix (Little Ghost Gum)
Grevillea Lanigera (Mount Tamboritha)
Grevillea Preissii (Gilt Dragon Grevillea)
Grevillea x hybrid (Robyn Gordon)
Hakea Laurina (Pin Cushion)
Hakea x Hybrid (Burrendong Beauty)
Hardenbergia Violacea (Native Westringia)
Hemiandra Pungens (Snake bush)
Hibbertia Scandens (Snake Vine)
Hypocalymma Angustifolium (White Myrtle)
Hypocalymma Robustum (Swan River Myrtle )
Kennedia Prostrata (Running Postman)
Kunzea Baxteri (Scarlet Kunzea)
Lechenaultia Formosa (Red lechenuaultia)
Leptospermum Scoparium 'Nanum Rubrum' (Dwarf Red Tea Tree)
Melalauca Huegelii (Chenille honey-myrtle)
Melalauca Leucadendra (Weeping paperbark)
Ricinocarpus Tuberculatus (Wedding bush)
Scaevola Aemula (Fairy Fan Flower)
Templetonia Retusa (Cockies Tongue)
Thryptomene Saxicola (Pink Rock Myrtle)
Verticordia Crysantha (Yellow Featherflower)
Verticordia Plumosa (Plumed Featherflower)

Want to find more Waterwise Plants?

Plants suited to our climate need less water, are low maintenance and will look great in your garden. The Water Corporation have developed a list of plants suited to your suburb. Find out more via

Images of various plants recommended in the City

© City of Kalamunda 2025