Local Structure Plan Endorsed for Forrestfield North (High Wycombe)

03 August 2020 9:45 AM

Land use planning around the new High Wycombe Train Station has taken a momentous step forward, with the Western Australian Planning Commission approving the Residential Precinct Local Structure Plan (LSP).

Mayor Margaret Thomas said, “Landowners in this area have been working closely with the City for a number of years, as we went through the district structure planning and local structure planning process.”

The development of the draft LSP for the Forrestfield North Residential Precinct included extensive community consultation, with input from nearly 400 residents. Key feedback through the engagement included a desire for a family-oriented development with a natural vibe celebrating existing creeks and streams. The community also expressed a desire for recreation and bushland type living, as well as the provision of sporting facilities and open green spaces.

“Structure Plans guide the urban layout of new areas and facilitate the subdivision and development of land. The reason it is such an important milestone is because Structure Plans guide the provision of new houses, schools, sporting facilities and park lands that make up the spaces for communities to live, work and play.”

“Key features of the Forrestfield North (High Wycombe) Residential Precinct LSP included medium-high density residential zonings from R40 to R100, new road connections, approximately 20 hectares of environmental, public open space and drainage reserve, sports facilities and a primary school.”

“This is a significant step forward in giving landowners some certainty in regards to the development of the area. I want to thank the staff at the City for their tireless efforts in the development of the structure plan and landowners for working with the City throughout the process.”

“I call on all levels of government to keep working together to ensure that issues regarding environmental conservation are dealt with equitably and swiftly.”

The LSP was first advertised in April 2018, and adopted by the Council in December of that year. Modifications progressed after advertising throughout 2019 are intended to improve the precinct layout and ensure the areas identified on the LSP as Environmental Conservation are appropriately protected, with the adoption now providing landowners certainty.

“The next important body of work to be completed relates to the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Precinct Activity Centre Structure Plan (ACSP), along with planning to coordinate the delivery of infrastructure throughout the area.”

The City, METRONET and DevelopmentWA have established an operational working group to regularly meet and ensure alignment between the ACSP, the draft Redevelopment Scheme and future Strategy and Precinct Design Guidelines being prepared by DevelopmentWA. Significant consultation with landowners will also continue to occur as these documents are progressed.

View more information on Forrestfield North (High Wycombe) here
Alternatively, for more information and to discuss the local structure plan please contact the City of Kalamunda on 9257 9999, email enquiries@kalamunda.wa.gov.au.

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