Committed to Care – Local Hero, Emily Howells

29 June 2021 8:00 PM

“Not all Superheroes Wear Capes” is phrase often associated with our health care workers and is very fitting for our latest City of Kalamunda Community Local Hero Award winner, Emily Howells.

Resident, Emily Howells works full time as a nurse, and in her spare time volunteers for Building Life Skills, a local disability organisation building Sustainable Disability community enabling people with a disability to live independently and have opportunities to be valued contributing members of our community.

June 2021 Local Hero Emily Howells
Photo: Community Local Hero Award winner Emily Howells with Mayor Margaret Thomas JP.
Photo taken Pre-COVID-19 Restrictions

Working tirelessly for better options for people living with disabilities Emily is a key player in securing a better future for many Kalamunda residents, supporting Building Life Skills clients and assisting running a fundraising and awareness stall at the monthly Kalamunda Artesian Markets monthly.

“I enjoy volunteering”, commented Emily. “It is rewarding to see how the people of Kalamunda have embraced people with disability and show their support at our market stall. It’s important to provide opportunities for people with disabilities in the community.”

Mayor Margaret Thomas JP said “The City’s vision is to create a community where everyone, of all needs, abilities and backgrounds feel empowered, valued and included. 3.6% of the population in the City have cited they need assistance with core activities (ABS2016) and people like Emily and organisations such as Building Life Skills provide grassroots connections, friendships and support”.

“Everyone in the City has the right to be an active participant in our community. The work Emily, and people like her do has a huge impact on the lives of those living with disability and extends out to their friends, families and the broader community.” said Cr Thomas presenting Emily with her Award recently.

Do you know a “Superhero” who is committed to care in our community?

The monthly Local Hero Award is a celebration of the people within our neighbourhoods who are passionate about making a difference, freely volunteering to give back to the community. Winners are awarded with a $50 KalaCash gift card as a small token of appreciation.

For more information on the Local Heroes Awards or the City’s Disability support services please contact the City of Kalamunda on 9257 9999, email

The Local Hero Awards are proudly supported by the Echo newspaper.

© City of Kalamunda 2024