City To Implement Trial Winter Hours for Public Facilities

16 May 2024 1:53 PM

In response to the changing seasons and a concerning uptick in vandalism, the City of Kalamunda is introducing a trial period for adjusted winter hours at selected public facilities.

Beginning 4 June 2024, and running through to 16 September 2024, Forrestfield Skate Park, Kalamunda Town Square, and Bill Shaw Reserve will observe modified closing times for public toilets with aligned lighting hours at the Forrestfield Skate Park.

Mayor Margaret Thomas emphasises the need for these changes, stating, "As we transition into darker winter evenings, ensuring the safety and security of our public facilities becomes paramount.”

The decision to implement winter hours is not only a response to seasonal changes but also addresses a notable increase in vandalism.

"Vandalism has become a significant concern, not only compromising the safety of our residents but also incurring substantial costs for the City. We must take decisive action to protect our community assets and ensure their sustainable use," Cr Thomas said.

The City of Kalamunda acknowledges the inconvenience this trial may pose and appreciates the understanding and cooperation of residents and visitors during this period.

Additionally, the City will launch a 'See Something, Say Something' campaign to empower the community to report any instances of vandalism or anti-social behaviour promptly.

For more information and updates on the trial period, please visit, pone 9257 9999 or email

Please report anti-social or threatening behaviour direct to WA Police via 131 444

© City of Kalamunda 2024