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Planning Projects

Planning projects throughout the City hold a range of objectives, including increased amenity, increased employment opportunities, and meeting future population and aged care demands.

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High Wycombe South

Project Status : In Progress
Estimated Completion Date : Ongoing
Location : Forrestfield/High Wycombe area


The State Government in 2014 announced the Forrestfield Airport Link (FAL) Project, a $1.86 billion passenger train line running from the Bayswater Station, servicing the Perth Airport and finishing in the Forrestfield/High Wycombe area.

Following this announcement, the then Shire of Kalamunda* explored the opportunities that a new train station could bring to the surrounding areas, which meant moving away from the previously proposed industrial land uses and focusing on urban land use opportunities.

* The Shire of Kalamunda became the City of Kalamunda on1 July 2017.

Forrestfield North District Structure Plan

In late 2014, the City commenced the preparation of a District Structure Plan (DSP) to identify new land use opportunities, guide the urban structure, vision and objectives of future urban development. The new focus resulted in planning for the delivery of high density residential housing, a new activity centre and a commercially focused precinct based around the new train station. In line with the North-East Sub-regional Framework, the aim is to connect people with their place of work and recreation. 

In September 2016, the Forrestfield North DSP was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC). View a copy of the Forrestfield North DSP here

Residential Precinct Structure Plan

The High Wycombe South Residential Precinct encompasses the land generally bounded by Poison Gully Creek, Roe Highway, Sultana Road West and Milner Road, to the southeast of the new High Wycombe Train Station and associated Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Precinct.  The Residential Precinct Local Structure Plan (LSP) has been prepared by the City of Kalamunda to facilitate the coordinated development of high-quality medium to high density residential development encompassing single houses, grouped dwellings and apartments. 

The LSP provides for over 30 hectares of green public spaces in the form of local open space, environmental conservation areas and existing Bush Forever bushland reserves. These green spaces will support the vision to create a ‘Forest Neighbourhood’ in a medium to high density area with a 'bush character'. A future primary school site is identified in conjunction with district open space on Brand Road, to form a future combined education and sporting precinct.

The original Residential Precinct LSP was approved by the WAPC on 27 July 2020 and can be viewed below, superseded by Amendment No. 1.

Amendment No.1 to the Residential Precinct Local Structure Plan

Modifications to the Residential Precinct LSP have been undertaken to align the LSP with the spatial layout of the draft TOD Precinct Activity Centre Structure Plan, having regard to projected residential and commercial development, and traffic investigations undertaken since the approval of the original LSP.

The LSP Amendment was adopted by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting (OCM) on 12 October 2021 for the purpose of public advertising, which then concluded on 4 January 2022. Council at the OCM on 24 May 2022 endorsed the LSP Amendment, submissions and recommended modifications, available via the Agenda & Minutes section of the City's website.

The LSP Amendment was lodged with the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) in June 2022, for determination by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).  The proposal was considered at the WAPC’s Statutory Planning Committee (SPC) meeting on 11 October 2022 whereby the SPC resolved to require modifications (see Attachment 6 Schedule of Modifications) prior to final approval.

The City finalised the required modifications to the LSP Amendment and supporting technical reports, and lodged documentation with the DPLH in April 2023 for final approval of the WAPC, which was confirmed on 25 August 2023.

This WAPC decision constitutes the final approval of the LSP Amendment No. 1 and is a significant milestone in the establishment of the local planning framework for the High Wycombe community and more broadly for the City of Kalamunda to progress the State Government’s planning vision for the project area. The LSP Amendment provides greater certainty about development outcomes and affirms the strategic basis for infrastructure identified through Amendment 113 and the draft Development Contribution Plan, discussed below.

Given the historical changes and uncertainty with this area, this approval embeds a clear vision for the future development in the precinct. The key themes include creating a sense of character, identity, and liveability. The LSP will enable affordable and sustainable housing that respects the environmental heritage, provides for a primary school for the future community, and focus on key public transport links and walkability. It will prepare the area for transition through the strategic development of urban cells, while embedding an approach that will deliver enhanced environmental green spaces and biodiversity.

A copy of the approved Structure Plan and supporting Development Plan are also provided below. Volume 1 (Parts 1 and 2) of the WAPC approved Residential Precinct LSP Amendment No. 1 report can be viewed via this link LSP Amendment No. 1.  Seven supporting reports in Volume 2 Technical Appendices are available in the Related Documents section of this project page.

Development Contribution Plan

The development of the Residential Precinct in line with the LSP requires the timely and cost-efficient provision of infrastructure and facilities, such as roads, drainage, open space, sporting and community facilities, to support the envisaged residential and commercial development. This will contribute to liveability and community wellbeing and help facilitate the necessary development of housing for a growing population.

A Development Contribution Plan (DCP) is required to coordinate the equitable cost sharing arrangements for, and timely delivery of, infrastructure needed for the development of the Residential Precinct.

Proposed Amendment 113 to Local Planning Scheme No. 3 (LPS3) and supporting draft Development Contribution Plan Report were considered at the OCM on 18 April 2023. See the Minutes and associated documents on the Agenda & Minutes section of the City’s website here.

Following a detailed examination of proposed Amendment 113 by the WAPC, the City received confirmation on 17 October 2023 advising that Amendment 113 is suitable to be advertised.  The WAPC however encouraged the City to undertake six modifications prior to commencing advertising. These six modifications are summarised in the Frequently Asked Questions 2024.

Council at the OCM on 12 December 2023 resolved to proceed to advertise Amendment 113 supporting three of the encouraged modifications and not supporting the other three. The Council also resolved to undertake representations to the WAPC to amend the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) to reclassify land within the Green Link from Urban to Parks and Recreation, and to further advocate for government pre-funding for enabling infrastructure to minimise the infrastructure costs to the DCP and support the transition of the Residential Precinct. Further detailed information regarding these modifications is available in the 12 December 2023 OCM Minutes.

In early 2024 the City advertised Amendment 113 and sought public comment. Following the advertising process, the City considered all submissions made and modified Amendment 113 as appropriate. Council at the OCM on 22 November 2024 resolved to support Amendment 113 and refer to the Western Australian Planning Commission to provide a recommendation to the Minister for Planning to approve the amendment, with or without changes, or to not approve the amendment. Should the Minister for Planning decide that the amendment requires further modifications further advertising of the amendment may be required. In this event, finalisation of Amendment 113 and the DCP could be delayed pending further changes.

The City’s preparation of the DCP has been a significant undertaking which, together with the preparation of the Local Structure Plan and supporting investigations, has been an important strategic investment in the precinct. The proposed DCP will coordinate funding for essential infrastructure and will facilitate the progressive development of the area in line with the vision established under High Wycombe South Residential Precinct Local Structure Plan.

Compliance in the Forrestfield / High Wycombe Stage 1 Industrial Area

The City is continuing to collaborate with landowners of any non-compliant sites to address amenity impacts, and to ensure buildings and activities are consistent with the conditions of their development approvals.

The City will continue to monitor all identified industrial sites for ongoing compliance. The City encourages residents to contact the City’s Approval Services Team with any concerns or any new information to assist on 9257 9999 or via email

Draft Transit Oriented Development Precinct Activity Centre Structure Plan

In May 2021, the Metronet East Redevelopment Scheme (Redevelopment Scheme) was gazetted to incorporate land within the TOD Precinct and portion of the Activity Centre Precinct as identified in the Forrestfield North DSP. The Redevelopment Area has been put in place around the new High Wycombe Train Station to maximise development opportunities arising from the station upgrades and help create a connected activity centre.

Following gazettal of the METRONET East Redevelopment Scheme DevelopmentWA assumed planning authority from the City of Kalamunda for the High Wycombe Project Area, with responsibility for preparing a project vision for the area, preparing the planning framework to guide future development, and for assessing and determining development applications.

The City has been working collaboratively with DevelopmentWA, with the City preparing a draft TOD Precinct Activity Centre Structure Plan (TOD ACSP) providing a spatial layout responding to the outcomes of technical study inputs plus the opportunities and constraints of the TOD Precinct. The layout provides the base required for DevelopmentWA to further establish the planning framework for the project area, including the preparation of a Redevelopment Strategy and associated Design Guidelines for the TOD Precinct.

In October 2021 Council adopted and submitted the draft TOD ACSP for assessment, consultation, and determination by DevelopmentWA as the responsible planning authority.  The October 2021 OCM Minutes and associated documents are available via this link to the City website Agenda & Minutes

DevelopmentWA are preparing Design Guidelines to compliment the implementation of the TOD ACSP. Once these Design Guidelines have been developed, DevelopmentWA will undertake public advertising concurrently with the TOD ACSP. No formal date has been set to undertake public adverting and the following advice has been provided by DevelopmentWA:

"As the planning authority for the METRONET East High Wycombe Project Area, DevelopmentWA is responsible for the public advertising of the TOD ACSP. DevelopmentWA will invite public comment from key stakeholders and the local community with letters to be sent to all landowners within the project area confirming where to view the plan and associated documents and how to submit comment. At the end of the public advertising period, all submissions will be considered prior to final determination of the TOD ACSP."

METRONET East - High Wycombe Fact Sheet is available on the DevelopmentWA website available via this link Metronet East Overview.

For further information on the future planning for the TOD Precinct please contact DevelopmentWA’s Planning team on 9482 7499 or via email

Project Images

View of High Wycombe Train Station

Related Documents

Contact Information

For further information on this project please contact the City's Strategic Planning team via phone during office hours or via email.
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