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Rural Strategy

The City of Kalamunda’s Rural Strategy will guide planning and development within rural areas.

Preparation of the Rural Strategy commenced in 2016 and is anticipated to be completed in 2019. It will form part of the City’s new Local Planning Strategy.

In late 2016 the City engaged the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) to undertake a land capability assessment to incorporate into the draft Rural Strategy document.

The North East Sub-Regional Planning Framework was adopted by the State Government in March 2018 and identified the Pickering Brook Townsite as a ‘Planning Investigation Area’.
Table 3 of the Framework identified the key considerations as:

  1. Identification and protection, where appropriate, of priority agricultural land
  2. Impacts on public drinking water resources (Middle Helena Catchment – Priority area 2)
  3. Bushfire Risk,
  4. Availability of reticulated and wastewater infrastructure.

In addition to abovementioned points, the identification of priority agricultural land is seen as a key focus for the City of Kalamunda.

Concurrently in June 2018 the State Government announced a Taskforce to investigate the Perth Hills and Pickering Brook area as a potential tourism hub. Representatives from State Government departments and Local Government will establish new planning and tourism strategies for the region. A Working Group is to be established to support and report to the Taskforce. The Working Group will develop a sustainability and tourism strategy for Pickering Brook and surrounds, and investigate planning and tourism opportunities and constraints.

The City’s Rural Strategy will be progressed in conjunction with this process and will require input from the Taskforce to finalise the strategy.

The Rural Strategy has been progressed over 2017/2018 and will continue during 2019.

© City of Kalamunda 2025