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Industrial Development Strategy

The Industrial Development Strategy is intended to provide direction in regard to strategic and statutory planning decision making within the City of Kalamunda to facilitate and manage growth and changes to industrial estates within the municipal area.

The Industrial Development Strategy was adopted by Council 3 December 2018.

View Agenda and Minutes here

The Industrial Development Strategy (IDS) provides direction on strategic and statutory planning decision making within the City of Kalamunda. The aim is to facilitate and manage growth and changes to industrial estates within the municipal area. The City’s industrial areas are well situated for industrial activity given their proximity to major freight routes, established industrial estates and Perth Airport.

The IDS builds on the City’s Strategic Community Plan to facilitate diverse and sustainable industrial development that meets the changing social and economic needs of the community, while supporting the success and growth of industry and business. The vision of the IDS is to enhance and expand upon our industrial precincts to accommodate future growth and diversity in industrial land uses, and develop modern, efficient and attractive industrial estates that provide for the local and regional community.

It will ensure that any future industrial development maximises the benefit to the community by providing direction that guides the future provision and management of industrial estates. The IDS will take into consideration current and future population projections, housing and demographics when assessing the industrial development needs of the community, to ensure economic stability. The IDS will assess all proposed and existing industrial sites within the City and will attract interest from the wider community.

The diverse nature of industrial and commercial operations requires specific solutions to achieve an efficient and effective use of the available environmental, economic and social resources. The development of a draft IDS will ensure that adequate forward planning is carried out for the ongoing provision of industrial land over the next 10 years and beyond. This will ensure that the City is ready to capably respond to future demand, while responsibly managing resources.

The IDS aims to understand the character of each industrial precinct and the intentions of business owners and landowners moving forward. It will address the potential for the greatest social impact and develop strategies and designs to reduce negative outcomes while maximising the benefits to the community in the areas of employment, services and infrastructure. This will allow the City to gain an understanding of how we can better support industrial land uses in the region and where public realm improvements should be focused.

Key development precincts identified within the IDS are generally consistent with sites identified in the Western Australian Planning Commission’s (WAPC) Economic and Employment Land Strategy, in addition to other identified areas, and are broadly outlined as follows:

  • Forrestfield Marshalling Yards: Representing the existing marshalling yards/intermodal freight facility between Perth Airport and Dundas Road
  • Forrestfield Industrial Area: Representing the established Forrestfield industrial precinct west of Roe Highway in Forrestfield
  • Forrestfield/High Wycombe Light Industrial Area Stage 1: Representing the growing industrial precinct to the north of the Forrestfield Industrial Area
  • Maddington Kenwick Strategic Employment Area (MKSEA): Representing the north-eastern most section of the MKSEA precinct, colloquially known as the ‘Kalamunda Wedge’ area, a newly established industrial area with future industrial development
  • Walliston Industrial Area: Representing the established industrial area within Walliston, which has potential for renewal and intensification
  • Hatch Court/Stirling Crescent Light Industrial Area: Representing an area identified for light industrial development abutting the City of Swan’s Hazelmere Industrial Area and Perth Airport land, subject to further detailed planning
  • Kewdale Industrial Area: Representing the eastern portion of the established Kewdale Industrial Area between Roe Highway, Tonkin Highway and the Freight Rail Line
  • Forrestfield North Industrial Area: Representing an area of existing industrial land use to the south west of the Forrestfield North District Structure Plan Area. The Local Structure Planning process will determine the future land use direction for this precinct
  • High Wycombe Special Use 5: Representing a warehousing precinct along Abernethy Road and Dundas Road, zoned Special Use with the purpose of facilitating a business park
  • Forrestfield Special Use 1: Representing a service industry lot within the heart of Forrestfield’s established residential area, zoned Special Use

Consultation with the Community was undertaken from August 2018 – October 2018 with feedback incorporated into the final IDS.

View Community Engagement Summary Report (PDF, 935KB)


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