Targeting feral foxes at Crumpet Creek Reserve - Mundy Regional Park

10 July 2020 1:30 PM

Keeping our parks free of invasive and destructive species is essential if we want to protect the diverse range of native species in our local, natural landscape. One such species is the red fox, an introduced species that impacts our environment, and our economy. These feral animals contribute to the loss of natural habitat and the decline of native animals including marsupials, nesting birds and reptiles across Australia. Foxes compete for habitat, spread weeds and diseases, and kill and damage livestock including domestic poultry, and pets.

Following reports of feral fox activity in the Crumpet Creek - Mundy Regional Park area, the City, in partnership with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, is undertaking trapping of foxes, commencing 20 July 2020.

Fox Trapping - Mundy Regional Park - Crumpet Creek

Mayor Margaret Thomas said, “Fox control in the City is important, and over the past few weeks we have had a number of comments from the community asking for further works and noting activity on their street, in their parks and in our community. We value the community led approach in this matter, and are working closely with other agency’s to really make a difference.”

Control of foxes is an important part of the protection of biodiversity within the City of Kalamunda.  Under the Biosecurity and Agricultural Management (BAM) Act (2007) foxes are a declared pest. The trapping and use of soft jawed foot traps will be in accordance with the permit issued by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development: Agriculture and Food.

A licenced operator has been hired to set traps and signage, and to humanly euthanise any foxes caught. Under the Health (pesticides) Regulations 2011, all companies and personnel employed by companies involved in management of pests must be licensed and registered with the Department.

In keeping with requirements of the Animal Welfare Act (2002) and Regulations (2003) and the BAM Act (2007) and Regulations (2013), signage will be placed at the entrances of the reserve when trapping is being conducted and within proximity of where the trap is placed. 

The traps will be set after dark and removed in the early hours of the morning.

As the trap will be set after hours the parks will remain open, however, community members who use the parks during these hours are required to obey the signs. Pet owners are urged to walk their dogs on leads and keep them out of prohibited areas; and keep cats confined to their property.  There is little risk that the traps are a danger to humans.

Find further information on foxes in the City here.

Please direct queries to City of Kalamunda Environment Services on (08) 9257 9809 or

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