Local hero a champion for positive mental health

21 December 2021 6:00 PM

Mental health advocate and Gooseberry Hill resident Darren Peterson was presented a City of Kalamunda Local Hero Award at the City’s annual Thank a Volunteer event this month.

Darren Peterson (left) with Mayor Margaret Thomas at 2021 annual Thank a Volunteer ceremony
Image: Darren Peterson (left) with Mayor Margaret Thomas

Darren was nominated for his volunteer work and passionate dedication to improving the mental health and lives of those with disabilities, as well as significant contributions to the local community.

Darren has volunteered with a variety of organisations including Down Syndrome WA, helping to take members out into the community, and the Salvation Army, providing food aid to people without a home in Perth’s city centre.

He also runs the Men’s Health barbecue in Kalamunda, is the founder and chairperson for the Perth Hills Wellbeing Alliance, and runs mental health first aid and resilience training to give people the tools and skills to help others.

Mayor Margaret Thomas said that local heroes like Darren play a key part in creating a vibrant and resilient community.

“Darren is one of those special people who not only contributes to our community in a hugely positive way, but also empowers others to participate in and provide for our community.”

“His work with people of all abilities, spreading the message of positive mental health, and establishing important initiatives and programs within our community is outstanding, and he is well deserving of being our Local Hero of the Year for 2021.”

“Our Local Hero Awards are all about shining the spotlight on our community volunteers, thanking them, and giving them the recognition they deserve.”

“We hope that by sharing their stories we can inspire others to not only thank volunteers personally, but also get directly involved in shaping the future of our strong, connected community.”

Local Hero Awards run monthly and the City accepts nominations throughout the year. They are proudly presented by the City and supported by Echo News. Award winners receive a $50 KalaCash gift card. The monthly awards culminated at the Annual Thank a Volunteer Ceremony, at which the Local Hero of the Year Awards was presented.

Nominate your local hero today at engage.kalamunda.wa.gov.au/local-heroes

For more information please contact the City of Kalamunda on 9257 9999, email enquiries@kalamunda.wa.gov.au



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