City Celebrates Opening of Upgraded Fleming Reserve Playground

20 May 2024 9:01 AM

The City of Kalamunda is delighted to announce the official opening of the upgraded Fleming Reserve Playground, made possible through $265,000 in funding from the City's public open space cash in lieu program. This significant investment has transformed Fleming Reserve into a vibrant and inclusive space for the community to enjoy.

Mayor Margaret Thomas expressed her excitement, inviting families and residents to join in the celebration at the opening event on Wednesday, 22 May, from 3:15pm.

Despite delays due to labour and material shortages, the revamped playground now offers enhanced slides, new play equipment catering to all age groups, and inclusive features such as the renewed liberty swing, previously located at Stirk Park, for accessibility.

"We are delighted to unveil the improvements at Fleming Reserve Playground, which will provide a welcoming and enjoyable environment for families to gather and play," Mayor Thomas said. "Thank you to the community for your patience and support during the project's completion."

This event is a reflection of the City's commitment to creating vibrant and accessible spaces for all residents to enjoy.

The opening event promises an afternoon of fun-filled activities, including opportunities to explore the new amenities, engage in recreational play and participate in a treasure hunt run by the City’s Youth Action Kalamunda team. The City has arranged for coffee and ice cream vans to attend with the first 50 coffees and 70 ice creams FREE. Families are encouraged to pack an afternoon tea picnic and join the fun! The event will proceed rain, hail, or shine.  While rain may be in the forecast, we encourage attendees to dress warmly and be prepared to have a fun and possibly messy time!

As there is limited parking, families are encouraged to walk to the event.

Fleming Reserve, is bound by Newburn Road, Sorensen Road, Possum Court, Upton Road, and Smith Crescent. For more information visit, contact,au or call 9257 9999.

© City of Kalamunda 2024