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Committee Details

Kalamunda Tourism Advisory Committee (KTAC)

Contact name : City of Kalamunda
Contact number : (08) 9257 9999
Current expiry term : October 2021


The Kalamunda Tourism Advisory Committee has been established as an Advisory Committee in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995.

Its purpose is to provide information and advice about the current and emerging trends in Tourism and to provide guidance in the implementation of the City’s Tourism Development Strategy.

The Committee will advise Council on matters regarding policy, strategic planning, integration and implementation of City initiatives relating to Tourism.

The Committee will provide advice and make recommendations to Council on strategic issues which will help implement the Tourism Development Strategy.

  • Promote the Tourism Vision to establish the City as a major tourist destination with a sustainable and vibrant future.
  • Assist the City to foster strong relationships with tourism stakeholders, including peak bodies and government agencies.
  • Provide advice on current initiatives, opportunities or gaps in the promotion of tourism.
  • Provide advice to Council to guide the implementation of the Tourism Development Strategy.
  • Provide advice that leverages community expectations in promoting the strengths and opportunities in Tourism.
  • Provides a forum for sharing information relating to tourism opportunities within the City.
  • Provide advice and give consideration of hour tourism can be integrated and aligned in other key informing City Strategies and Plans.

The Advisory Committee is to be made up of ten (10) voting members comprising:

  • Two Elected Members.
  • Two community members with demonstrated experience and an interest in seeing tourism grown in the City of Kalamunda.
  • Two community members who have experience in tourism development (not necessarily tourism development within the City).
  • One member of a recognised Tourism Industry Board. i.e. Tourism Western Australia, Tourism Council of Western Australia, Destination Perth.
  • One business consultant with expertise in tourism.
  • Two tourism operators, representing different perspectives of tourism, operating within the City.

An invitation to Local State Member of Parliament with a strong interest in tourism will be extended. This is a non-voting position.

Observers are welcome to attend meetings; however, they are not able to become involved in the discussion of the meeting unless the Committee has made a resolution inviting observers to participate.

Appointment is for up to two years and members are eligible for reappointment following the Council Ordinary Election. 


Open: 28 August 2019
Closed: 5pm on Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Further information available from Engage.Kalamunda
Related Documentation:
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